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Base layer assets are often used in Cartesi applications. Cartesi supports bridging ETH from the base layer to your application as well as 3 additional token standards: ERC-20, ERC-721 and ERC-1155.

Bridging works by interacting with portal smart contracts developed by Cartesi and deployed to all supported networks. Those contracts lock the assets on the base layer, assigning their ownership to the application smart contract, and sending an input to the InputBox contract notifying the application about the transfer. This notification includes what asset was transferred and who transferred it, allowing the application to credit the user's internal application balance accordingly.


The @deroll/wallet module provides an in-memory implementation of a wallet management that automatically takes care of receiving asset notification from portals, and providing a simple API for querying, trasferring inside the application, and creating vouchers to withdraw back to the base layer.

$ pnpm add @deroll/wallet

You start by creating a wallet object using the createWallet function, and then adding the wallet handler to the application.

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import { createWallet } from "@deroll/wallet"; 
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
// create wallet
const wallet = createWallet(); 
// wire wallet advance handler
// start app
app.start().catch((e) => process.exit(1));

The wallet.handler will take care of intercepting the inputs sent from the Cartesi portals, decoding the information, and storing users assets information in an in-memory data structure.

You can then, as an example, query the CTSI balance in an inspect handler:

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import { createWallet } from "@deroll/wallet";
import { numberToHex } from "viem"; 
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
// create wallet
const wallet = createWallet();
app.addInspectHandler(async (data) => { 
    const address = data.payload; 
    const balance = wallet.erc20BalanceOf( 
    await app.createReport({ payload: numberToHex(balance) }); 
// start app
app.start().catch((e) => process.exit(1));

A complete API documentation is available in the reference section.


Assets deposited to an application through a portal are owned on the base layer by the application smart contract. Users can withdraw their deposited assets by creating vouchers that can be executed on the base layer, after the voucher proofs are generated (usually once a week).

The wallet object provides several withdraw methods that creates vouchers that can be generated as output. The following example creates a voucher to withdraw 1 CTSI to the user that sent the input. If the user doesn't have enough balance an exception is raised, which makes the handler not accept the input.

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import { createWallet } from "@deroll/wallet";
import { hexToBigInt, numberToHex } from "viem"; 
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
// create wallet and wire its handler
const wallet = createWallet();
app.addAdvanceHandler(async (data) => { 
    const amount = hexToBigInt(data.payload); 
    const voucher = wallet.withdrawERC20( 
    await app.createVoucher(voucher); 
    return "accept"; 
app.addInspectHandler(async (data) => {
    const address = data.payload;
    const balance = wallet.erc20BalanceOf(
    await app.createReport({ payload: numberToHex(balance) });
// start app
app.start().catch((e) => process.exit(1));

Utility functions

Instead of using the wallet module handler, and the wallet in-memory data structure, you can also use some utility functions provided by the @deroll/wallet module to parse deposits yourself and take care of managing balances or creating vouchers.

The following code snippet handles ERC-20 deposits manually, and just creates a voucher to return the deposited amount.

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import {
} from "@deroll/wallet";
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
app.addAdvanceHandler(async (data) => { 
    if (isERC20Deposit(data)) { 
        const deposit = parseERC20Deposit(data.payload); 
        const voucher = createERC20TransferVoucher( 
        await app.createVoucher(voucher); 
    return "accept"; 
// start app
app.start().catch((e) => process.exit(1));