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Returns an ERC-721 ownership of a token and user managed by a wallet module.


The following example creates an inspect request handler that assumes the payload is an user address and just prints if he owns the NFT id 1 of token 0xc6582A9b48F211Fa8c2B5b16CB615eC39bcA653B.

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import { createWallet } from "@deroll/wallet";
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
// create wallet
const wallet = createWallet();
const token = "0xc6582A9b48F211Fa8c2B5b16CB615eC39bcA653B"; // NFT address
app.addInspectHandler(async ({ payload }) => { 
    const address = payload; 
    const hasOne = wallet.erc721Has(token, address, 1n); 


Type: boolean

Whether the user has ownership of a specific ERC-721 token id.


Type: Address

The ERC-721 token address.

Type: string

The address of the user to get the ownership from.

Type: bigint

The id of the token to check ownership.