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Returns a wallet data structure for a specific user address.


The following example creates an inspect request handler that assumes the payload is an user address, gets the user wallet and just prints the balance of that user to the console.

import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";
import { createWallet } from "@deroll/wallet";
// create app
const app = createApp({ url: "" });
// create wallet
const wallet = createWallet();
app.addInspectHandler(async ({ payload }) => { 
    const address = payload; 
    const userWallet = wallet.getWallet(address); 
    const balance = userWallet.ether; 


Type: Wallet

type Wallet = {
    ether: bigint;
    erc20: Record<Address, bigint>; // key = token address, value = amount
    erc721: Record<Address, Set<bigint>>; // key = token address, value = set of tokenIds
    erc1155: Record<Address, Map<bigint, bigint>>; // key = token address, value = map of tokenId to values

The returned type is actually a Readonly view of the structure above, as the values are not intended to be modified directly, only through a deposit from the base layer, a transfer call, or a withdraw through a voucher.


Type: string

The user address.